
Comment history with schizo


Displaying 1 - 13 of 13 comments

i wanna b u

Posted by LittleRockCreations on Dec 28, 08 6:49 pm

It's not bad. I don't really think the background and all the pink really matches the banner, though, and I'd ditch the thick black borders.

Posted by schizo on Aug 24, 08 6:03 pm

hi idol
haha i'm just kidding

do you like this? o
i hope you like it, if you don't like it, please tell me what do you see wrong, or what do you change

for me it's important

Posted by LittleRockCreations on Aug 23, 08 10:11 pm

yes i know that but i was kidding! i mean, they are not jerks, it's just that i was like "uush"

Posted by LittleRockCreations on Aug 20, 08 10:16 pm

The mods don't reject your layouts and give you those comments just to be jerks. There are submission rules we need to follow when going through the queue. If a layout goes against them, we need to reject them. It's just part of the site.

Posted by schizo on Aug 20, 08 5:51 pm

it's ok, thanks!
ooh im tired of this page, they reject everything thay are just jerks!
but thanks, you're great!

but spanish is bore when it's your lenguage

Posted by LittleRockCreations on Aug 19, 08 8:11 pm

Well, I took Spanish for two years and it wasn't that hard, but it's a lot of work to learn a new language, and some people don't have as great a memory as others.

The layout isn't bad. I'm not a fan of the thick black borders, though. Also, I think it would look better is the banner and content area were the same width.

Posted by schizo on Aug 19, 08 6:27 pm

spanish is easy, ok I sya it because I'm mexican but for people that speak another lenguage is hard, or not?

hey you are like my idol, i want to make lyts like you, but mine are horribles! Do you like this?

http://profile.myspac r.viewprofile&friendid=3670715 31&MyToken=b7e1d989-69de-4511- a9d6-1735d5c471f5

Posted by LittleRockCreations on Aug 18, 08 8:00 pm

Createblog has certain standards, and if your layout doesn't meet them, it will be rejected. Here's a thread on the forums that lists some of the guidelines:

http://www.crea owtopic=151544

Posted by schizo on Apr 28, 08 6:18 pm

hey hi!!!
ooh just one question why i upload my codes and layouts and this page rejected them? what i am doing wrong?

Posted by LittleRockCreations on Apr 28, 08 10:06 am

ooh thanks!, am look the layouts that i upload, i know mine are a shet if you look yours but i will be better, take care and amm you rock!!! , if i use paint can be the same eith photoshop?

Posted by LittleRockCreations on Apr 25, 08 1:14 pm

In order to make layouts you have to be good with HTML and picture-editing program of some sort. I have some tutorials on my website that might help: m

Posted by schizo on Apr 6, 08 6:40 pm

your lyts are the best!!
you rock!!
but were you make them? iw as looking in the enternet and i dont found a page to make as yours, you rock!

Posted by LittleRockCreations on Apr 6, 08 5:28 pm
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